Bach Flower Remedies
Used for emotional health and acts as powerful facilators for emotional change within the individual, helping to bring about a renewal of positive energy, relaxation, wellbeing and release unhelpful negative emotions. Examples are:
- Agrimony for feelings of mental anguish
- Mimulus supports with shyness, insecurity and fear of known things.
- Elm supports with feelings of inadequacy, lacks confidence in own ability.
These remedies were devised by Dr Edward Bach, a successful physician, bacteriologist and Harley Street specialist, in the early 20th century. His keen observation of patients and acquaintances led him to firmly believe that emotions influence our body and ultimately health and wellbeing. Each remedy is chosen in response to the negative state of mind and also to suit the specific character and current need of that individual.
Probably the best known Bach Flower Remedy is Rescue Remedy – used for emergencies so is indicated whenever an emergency situation occurs, where you suffer panic, shock and mental numbness. Hence Rescue Remedy is a good addition to any first aid kit.

“A Simple and Natural Method of Establishing Equilibrium and Harmony Through Personality by Means of Non-Poisonous Wild Flowers” (John Ramsell. 1991)
Bach Flower Remedies:
1. Agrimony – supports those who appear carefree and humorous, but actually hide their anxieties, worries and inner pain and fears behind a mask.
2. Aspen – supports people who suffer from ungrounded anxiety, a sense of foreboding from an unknown source. May experience nightmares.
3. Beech – supports those who are intolerant, quick to judge, and narrow minded and unforgiving in their assumptions.
4. Centaury – supports those who submissive and demonstrate a lack of will. They also demonstrate an over-eagerness to please or suppress their own needs for those of anothers.
5. Cerato – supports those who have trouble with decision-making, and difficulty trusting in their own decisions. These people have a lack of confidence in their own judgement.
6. Cherry Plum – supports those who fear a mental breakdown and is shown by a fearfulness of their own thoughts. Suffers can shock
themselves with thoughts, and may believe they are insane.
7. Chestnut Bud – supports those who tend to repeat the same mistakes.
8. Chicory – shown by self-centeredness, possessiveness, and great demand for attention. May interfere with and manipulate the lives of others.
9. Clematis – supports those who can’t concentrate & maintain focus on reality. May retreat into daydreams, appearing disorientated and withdrawn.
10. Crab Apple – supports those who obsess over personal appearance, and who have a negative body image. May see themselves as impure and unclean.
11. Elm – supports feelings of inadequacy, lack of confidence in one’s abilities. Everyday responsibilities become too overwhelming to cope with.
12. Gentian – negative gentian traits involve depression, despondency and a loss of the belief that everything will work out. Everything is questioned.
13. Gorse – supports those who have become apathetic. May suffer chronic illness, and have begun to lose hope. Gorse rekindles optimism.
14. Heather – heather exhibits itself negatively in self-centredness, and the need for an audience. Sufferers will often talk endlessly about themselves.
15. Holly – holly is the essence for feeling universal love but sufferers of the negative holly state may be generally suspicious, jealous and angry.
16. Honeysuckle – supports those who are living in the past, so are unable to move forward with their lives. This remedy eases regret over lost hopes.
17. Hornbeam – eases mental weariness brought on by strict work routine. Also supports with procrastination, clears the head, and balances energy levels.
18. Impatiens – brings patience, helps those who are frustrated by the slowness of those around them, and who believe that they can do everything best.
19. Larch – raises self-confidence, and faith in oneself. Helps those who see themselves as inferior, not giving their skills a chance to develop.
20. Mimulus – supports shyness, insecurity and a fear of known things. Negative Mimulus traits include shyness, stammering, blushing, ndfear of things known and familiar.
21. Mustard – supports depression and gloom which seems overshadowing, and may arise for no apparent reason. Mustard brings joy and hope.
22. Oak – supports anyone exhausted by their work, struggling on through a strong sense of responsibility. It allows sufferers to ease up and relax.
23. Olive – supports those for whom it all seems too much. They feel unable to cope with life. Restores vitality and strength.
24. Pine – supports those clinging to feelings of guilt, blaming themselves for things out with their control. Self reproach takes away the joy of living.
25. Red Chestnut – supports those who worry about misfortune occurring to those they love. They are unable to have faith that things will turn out O.K.
26. Rock Rose – negative manifestations are terror, panic, fear. It supports individuals to regain calm and composure after a frightening experience.
27. Rock Water – supports those who hold high standards for themselves, in order attain an imagined level of perfection. Often inflexible and impractical people.
28. Scleranthus – this relates to poise, balance and intuitive decision-making. Supports those who have trouble making decisions & forming opinions.
29. Star of Bethlehem – supports comfort of the mental, physical, or emotional trauma. Eases physical symptoms brought on by an inability to cope.
30. Sweet Chestnut – the sweet chestnut state signals a great change, a new direction. It supports those who are in despair, and cannot envision any way out.
31. Vervain – supports those with a single minded obsessions. Sufferers will try to convert others, usually damaging their cause with excessive zeal.
32. Vine – supports anyone with a selfish, domineering attitude and an amplified sense of their capabilities. Helps to recognise the common good.
33. Walnut – supports those who have undergone a significant change in life. Assists in moving on, the breaking of bonds with the past.
34. Water Violet – supports those who possess wisdom, yet through pride and superior feelings are distanced from others. Can lead to withdrawal.
35. White Chestnut – supports people whose thoughts race at inappropriate times. They are unable to let go of the day’s events and this may keep them awake.
36. Wild Oat – supports those who have potential , skill and ambition, yet have no idea where this should take them. Can involve indecisive career changes.
37. Wild Rose – resigned acceptance of one’s lot. Unfavourable aspects of life are seen as unchangeable. Leads to apathy, lack of interest & ambition.
38. Willow – supports those who see themselves as a victim. Misfortune or injustice is blamed on others. Dispels feelings of powerlessness.
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