by Simply Great Health | Mar 12, 2019 | Uncategorized
Buying organic fruits and vegetables can at times seem more expensive than buying from your supermarket. So we’ve put together a list to help you allocate your budget to the foods that should be bought organically, and which foods have less pesticides and chemicals and are ok to buy conventionally if your budget doesn’t stretch.
The clean 15 list shows you the best vegetables to buy organically to limit exposure to pesticides. A lot of the ‘clean’ produce has thick skin, allowing the produce to protect its edible parts from pesticides, meaning it’s safer for eating and better for you! Think strawberries (on the dirty list) vs. avocados (on the clean list).
Have a read below for your next shopping trip 🙂
Click here to download your printable version!

by Simply Great Health | Feb 27, 2019 | Uncategorized

Small steps can make BIG differences. All too often we are overwhelmed by issues, we feel we can do nothing to help when maybe all it takes are small steps to initiate some change. We see and hear about enormous islands of rubbish and plastic floating in the ocean and the devastating effect this has on our marine life. We see horrific pictures of birds dying through starvation as they are not able to feed due to bits of plastic impeding them and whales full of plastic. What can we do about this? Surely this problem is too big for me as an individual to make any sort of a difference. But, every time we take our reusable bags to the supermarket that is one bag less to pollute our landfills and oceans. Every time we take our reusable coffee cups to café’s that is less plastic to pollute our environment.
We now have a serious world-wide problem with dying bees and decreasing bee populations. Without bees our agriculture would suffer, bees pollinate plants. It has been estimated that approximately one third of our global food supply is pollinated by bees. Really they provide a free pollinating service to our farmers so are a vital part of our food supply. Also life would be somewhat dull without colourful flowers and plants again pollinated by bees. Let’s stop using toxic sprays that kill bees and plant flowers to help support and feed them. Again small steps that can have big positive outcomes.
Let’s finish with the Star Fish Story adapted from The Star Thrower, by Loren Eiselsy (1907-1977).
A man was walking along the beach one morning as he did most days. A big storm had passed through the day before and left the beach covered in starfish, hundreds of starfish as far as the eye could see. Away in the distance the old man spotted a young boy bending down, picking up something and throwing it into the ocean. As the boy came closer the man called out asking what the boy was doing? The young boy paused, looked up and replied “throwing starfish back into the ocean. The storm has washed them up onto the beach and if left here they will surely die as they cannot return to the ocean by themselves.” The old man replied “but there are thousands of starfish on the beach, you really won’t be able to make much of a difference”
The boy bent down and picked up another starfish and threw it into the ocean. He turned to the man and said “I made a difference to that one, and that one” as he threw yet another starfish into the ocean.
We can all be that boy, throwing back one starfish at a time, not letting big seemly unsurmountable tasks overwhelm us. We too can make a difference. Think today what can I do to make a positive change to my family, world and environment 🙂
by Simply Great Health | Jun 21, 2018 | Uncategorized

Today it is Winter Solstice – our shortest day and according to tradition, this is the time to plant your garlic cloves so they can be harvested on the longest day, December 21, just in time for Christmas. A great Christmas present for our health read below for some of the therapeutic benefits from eating garlic.
There is definitely more to the humble garlic bulb than meets the eye. This herb has been valued across many cultures as a medicine, food, flavouring and preservative. It is one of the oldest cultivated plants with written records dating back to Ancient Egypt detailing its medicinal use. Hippocrates cited its numerous uses therapeutically, it was given to the original Olympic athletes, therefore we can possibly regard it as our first performance-enhancing drug. It has also been used in Chinese medicine for the last 3,000years.
Today we use garlic as a delicious ingredient that adds nutritional punch and wonderful flavour to many dishes, but we also recognise and use garlic therapeutically. This could be due to the sulphur containing compounds such as the pungent and volatile allicin. This has been shown to have antimicrobial actions so helping our bodies fight colds, flu along with yeast infections such as candida.
Did you know garlic and its constituents have strong antioxidant properties, they are capable of scavenging those harmful free radicals that can be so damaging to our bodies? Garlic has also been shown to indirectly help our own internal antioxidant systems. Definitely another plus for including garlic in your diet.
Studies have also indicated garlic to assist with cardiovascular health as it seems to have a protective effect against atherosclerosis, helps naturally to decrease cholesterol levels, and helps lower blood pressure.
In this toxic world we live in, garlic can also assist us. In vitro tests have shown “garlic to prevent cadmium and arsenic-induced oxidative stress” (Braun & Cohen, 2015)
And there’s more … nutritionally garlic is a good source of B6, vitamin C, manganese, selenium, phosphorous, calcium, potassium, iron and copper (Murray and Pizzorno, 2005)
Don’t miss out, get into your garden or just use some pots and plant some garlic, your body will love you for it.
Garlic Aioli Recipe Ingredients 1 large egg, 1 1/2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of white wine vinegar, 1/4 teaspoon Dijon mustard, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 3/4 cup of virgin olive oil (divided), 1 garlic clove.
Method Combine egg yolk, lemon juice, vinegar, mustard, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 minced garlic clove in a medium bowl. Whisk until properly blended and colour should be bright yellow.
Using 1/4 teaspoon measure add a 1/4 of a cup of olive oil to the yolk mixture, a couple of drops at a time, whisking constantly. Note this takes around 4 minutes.
Gradually add remaining 1/2 cup of olive oil, ensuring it is added in a slow thin stream, whisking all the time until the mayonnaise is thick and lighter in colour. Cover and chill. It can be kept for two days. Use as a dip for your favourite vegetables or whenever you would use mayonnaise.
Note Raw egg is not recommended for infants, the elderly, immune compromised or pregnant woman.
by Simply Great Health | Jun 6, 2018 | Uncategorized

Photo by Paul Cameron
In this busy world we live in today it is important to stop, breathe and admire the beauty around us.
by Simply Great Health | Apr 26, 2018 | Uncategorized
New Far Infrared Sauna

Our new Sun Stream Sauna with low EMF emissions is now up and running!
Health benefits of Far Infrared Saunas:
Greatly assists our bodies detoxification processes, especially with the elimination of heavy metals and toxic chemicals.
Pain management:
According to Jeffrey Spencer, the University of Southern California, “Infrared wavelengths penetrate the body to create heat… they increase blood flow to the muscles delivering more concentrated oxygen which creates more energy to heal.”
Raising Body Temperature:
This powerfully assists the body to kill bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses and can assist with cancer treatments.
Cardiac Health:
Research has shown Sauna Therapy to help produce systolic blood pressure. A 2008 Study published in a Journal of Cardiology reported Far Infrared Sauna Therapy to be safe and effective in improving clinical systems and cardiac function, and may help improve impaired blood vessel function in patients suffering from high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure.
And it just feels great! 🙂
Come and give it a try!